Tuesday, December 9, 2008

What I think about "Reach of Government?"

This blog caught my interest with some very good points and questions. It's still amazed by what people can do online and how they are able to get away with it. Myspace should definitely do something to fix this situation and find a way to help keep this mishap or any other mishap from happening again. As for the terms that you have to agree on to create a profile on myspace or even facebook, there should be something in the terms about freud or the consequences that happens when the terms are broken.

Honestly conspiracy and three counts of accessing protected computers isn't a good enough punishment. Lori did encourage Megan to commit suicide and I believe that it's just as sickening as attempted murder just not physically. With the charges made, Lori will probably be out of jail within five or six years unless she's charged with attempted murder which is probably about ten to fifteen years. The question probably popped up "What's the difference with five or six years compared to ten or fifteen years?" The answer is that with that four to nine years another girl or boy will still be alive no thanks to her. I'm sure there are plenty of other cases like this situation. What is there to do to help prevent this from happening again? How do we find a way to keep in contact with our old friends without worrying about strangers? There are many questions that come to mind about situations like this.

In conclusion, the article and blog proved a good point and the real question that should be asked is will this situation be solved soon enough to where there isn't another childs life taken away by some weird person?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Opinion on the Middle East

What would you say is a big concern now that the elections are over? Concerned issues like immigration, insurance, and the debt that the U.S. is in, how about the decision on whether or not we should bring back our troops from the Middle East. To me, the big situation we are dealing with right now would be over our concerns on whether we should bring our troops back from the middle east or not. Many citizens blame Bush as a reason for our troops being over in Iraq but truth is it's not only Bush's decision. The congress actually can easily stop funding the troops and bring them back but they aren't. So why is it we only blame Bush and not so much the congress? What's the reason for our troop being in the Middle East? I'd say we are over there to prove a point. The point is to show that we don't just let others attack us and not do anything about it. For example, the how the U.S got involved in the Vietnam War was because of the Tonkin Incident. The congress wanted to act upon it and so we did get involved. This is similar to what’s going on now with us declaring war on “terrorism”. Terrorism, how would u define that word? It has seem to be defined in so many different ways like the use of violence and threats to intimidate, a terroristic method of governing, and the most common one would be act which are intended to create fear or terror. Terrorism is just a way to show you’re strong or just to be intimidating. There are other ways to resolve this situation instead of declaring war and spending so much money on weapons and such when we are at such a high debt. We should be using that money on studies, helping the needy, and so much more. Overall we should bring our troops back and find a better way to solve this situation.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Thursday, October 30, 2008

U.S. national government in my view

When it comes down to asking about the U. S. national government the real question should be, where do you start when referring to the U. S. national government? Should we talk about how our country is in a debt of trillions of dollars? How there are thousands of people worrying about what there is for them to do to help support their family since there are so many people getting laid off and stock markets are on the edge of collapsing taking their retirement fund. As for others, there are others just spending thousands or even millions everyday just getting something they want and not need. How about the many soldiers losing their lives daily when they should be at home with their families watching their wife give birth to their first child or watch their child make it to playoffs in basketball. As you can figure out, there are a number of situations needing to be resolved to make the US a better place.
It is true that there should be something done about the terrorist attacks to remain free and protect our citizens but does it have to be a war.

As elections are in progress we should try our best to do what we can to help and that is by being supportive and using our civil right to vote. As time has passed, we all have seen what Senator Obama and Senator McCain had to say to help make a difference in our country. For example, detailed plans to get America’s economy back on track, making sure schools provided with a good amount of funds to make sure students have what they need to have access to an excellent education, reforming no child left behind, better health care plans that are affordable, security stance, stances on women’s issues like abortions, and many more. By knowing what our senators concerns, beliefs, and what plans they have to make a difference in our country. We can get the idea of who would be the best candidate to be our next president. In conclusion, GO VOTE! You will not regret it. It is a good feeling knowing you could have made a change in the ballots.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Commentary: So what if Obama were a Muslim or an Arab?

Right now, our country is going thourgh elections. Our candidates as of today are Sen. Obama (Democrat) and Sen. McCain (Republic). CNNs anchor Campbell Brown points out the racial fact that some people have on Sen. Obama. Some example questions being asked now still are "what is Obamas ethnicity and religion?". At one of Sen. McCains rally a women said, " I don't trust Obama. I have read about him and he's an Arab." Sen. McCain replyed as he corrected the women at the rally "He is a decent family man, citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues. That's what this campaign is all about." Brown questioned "would it matter?" That is a question I would also like to know. Others would be; what if it wasn't Sen. Obama who was African American but Sen. McCain? Would it change her mind on who she should vote for? If so, why? How about if the candidate was a little too short or tall, too hairy, or disabled like FDR? Yes not many knew about FDRs disability but he was a great leader. He led through some big historical events like the Great Depression.

Its true that Omaba would be the first president who is African American if he was to win the election but why would it matter if he was African American, Hispanic, Asian, Arab, or ect. He is just as eligable as Sen. McCain is for a position in a higher office in our country. That's what makes the US different from everywhere else. We don't judge on people based on their ethnicity or religion but on their qualifications. Brown asked, "when did that(ethnicity) become a disqualifier for higher office in our country, when did Arab and Muslim become dirty words, and the equivalent of dishonorable or racial?" Honestly in my opinion it wouldn't make a difference because no matter what they look like or what they believe in, its about what they can do for us, the people of the US, to help make our country a better and safer place. Brown said, " I feel like I am stating the obvious here, but apparently it needs to be said: There is a difference between radical Muslims who suppoet jihad against American and Muslims who want to practice their religion freely and have normal lives like anyone else. We can't tolerate this ignorance--not in the media and not on the campaign trail. Of course, he's not a Arab. Of course, he's not a Muslim. But honestly, it shouldn't matter." I agree with this statement and I hope eventually everyone will get around to it too. In conclusion, this article was definantly worth reading and can be found on the CNN website.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Commentary: America can't go cold turkey on credit

Right now one of the United States big concern today would be over our financial situation. U.S. Rep. Jim Marshall, a Democrat serving his third term in Congress, talks about how he is willing to give up his position to pass the bailout plan. Saying he understands what's at stake and hopes to be part of reforming our financial system so that there won't be problems like this again. His career helps individuals and institutions get out of financial trouble and make sure that they don't drag all of us down with them. He says, "Although the bill was imperfect and wildly unpopular, I believed that those of us in Congress needed to suck it up, vote for it and let the chips fall where they may". I wouldn't agree with his wording because it seems really rude and everyone has the right to their own opinion on this matter. The government has made a huge impact on this mess and if there were to be any actions, it should be eliminated with the conditions that created this situation. After the plan has failed he, Jim Marshall, talks about how he hopes that there will be another way to improve the plan and still be able to act on this situation in time to save our financial future. Some of his strong preferences is to focus less on acquiring mortgage-backed securities and more on the effort to minimize such things like foreclosures and home vacancies that drive down our property values. Jim knows there will be lots of hard work ahead but he wants to be apart of it making sure that this doesn't happen again. I agree with the fact that something should be done but the bailout plan isn't the way to go knowing that it can lead to a dramatic event like the great depression. To sum it all up this article was defiantly worth reading and you should check it out yourself from CNN.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Government makes a u-turn on state pension

This article from the Daily Mail is defiantly worth reading because it could be your grandmother who is dealing with this situation now. Its concerns are if we should trust in the words that has been and is being said by our government today after millions of women were denied a full state pension, money given by the government to the retired folks,. Stay-at-home mothers were told that they were able get a full pension, now two thirds of women today are not eligible because they are unable to meet the standards of the (National Insurance) NI contributions due to putting their careers aside for a period of time to care for their children. Its not only women who are upset about this situation pensions spokesman Chris Grayling said, "Last summer, Gordon Brown promised us a fresh approach to politics and spoke about the need for transparency and honesty. What this issues has shown us is a Government that is willing to raise expectations and then dash them behind the scenes without admitting its changed its approach. The Government told these women it would do something then changed its mind without telling anyone." Overall its worth reading.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Reasons for National Debt

The United States spends a lot of money on maintaining its position as a world power. However, since we do not make more money than we spend, we end up borrowing most of the money we use from other national powers(France, England, etc) and other rich countries(the Middle East). As a result, our nation debt is extremely high(over 9.5 trillion).

There are many factors contributing to our need to borrow money from other rich and influential countries. A major factor is that we import more goods(ranging from unimportant items, that we don't even need!, like toys to important commodities, that we can't bear to live without, like oil) than we export. The problem is that most of these imports are in high demand so we import them regardless of the cost.

Another of the major factors is that we spend an excessive amount of money during wars, whether they are necessary and official or not. Pointless wars waste time, money, and man power when they could be used elsewhere effectively. The problem is that we NEED to participate in these, wars in order to save face, prove supiriority, and help countries that DO NOT want our help to hopfully recieve their help when we need it, or to allign themselves with us so they don't oppose us in the future.

Another, and possibly the most important, factor and major reason why the national debt is so high are the pork barrel projects that senators bring home in order to ensure their re-election. These pork barrel projects are extremely costly and they only help the state in which the senator works lives in as an individual, rather than the nation as a whole. The problem with this is that, even knowing that pork barrel projects are costly(and sometimes seemingly useless), no senator will willingly cut, trim, shelve, or stop their project for fear of losing their position in government.