Sunday, September 14, 2008

Government makes a u-turn on state pension

This article from the Daily Mail is defiantly worth reading because it could be your grandmother who is dealing with this situation now. Its concerns are if we should trust in the words that has been and is being said by our government today after millions of women were denied a full state pension, money given by the government to the retired folks,. Stay-at-home mothers were told that they were able get a full pension, now two thirds of women today are not eligible because they are unable to meet the standards of the (National Insurance) NI contributions due to putting their careers aside for a period of time to care for their children. Its not only women who are upset about this situation pensions spokesman Chris Grayling said, "Last summer, Gordon Brown promised us a fresh approach to politics and spoke about the need for transparency and honesty. What this issues has shown us is a Government that is willing to raise expectations and then dash them behind the scenes without admitting its changed its approach. The Government told these women it would do something then changed its mind without telling anyone." Overall its worth reading.

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