This blog caught my interest with some very good points and questions. It's still amazed by what people can do online and how they are able to get away with it. Myspace should definitely do something to fix this situation and find a way to help keep this mishap or any other mishap from happening again. As for the terms that you have to agree on to create a profile on myspace or even facebook, there should be something in the terms about freud or the consequences that happens when the terms are broken.
Honestly conspiracy and three counts of accessing protected computers isn't a good enough punishment. Lori did encourage Megan to commit suicide and I believe that it's just as sickening as attempted murder just not physically. With the charges made, Lori will probably be out of jail within five or six years unless she's charged with attempted murder which is probably about ten to fifteen years. The question probably popped up "What's the difference with five or six years compared to ten or fifteen years?" The answer is that with that four to nine years another girl or boy will still be alive no thanks to her. I'm sure there are plenty of other cases like this situation. What is there to do to help prevent this from happening again? How do we find a way to keep in contact with our old friends without worrying about strangers? There are many questions that come to mind about situations like this.
In conclusion, the article and blog proved a good point and the real question that should be asked is will this situation be solved soon enough to where there isn't another childs life taken away by some weird person?
When is Human Right?
5 years ago
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